Live Your Edge Podcast

Diving Deep Into the Shadow Side of Success

Episode Summary

Get to Know the Guest Website: LinkedIn: Byron Morrison is a mindset and performance coach. He is the author of the best-selling book, “Become A Better You”. He helps CEO’s handle their new level of pressure and deal with the shadow side of success – without crumbling or losing their composure. The hardship when his father got cancer turned his life around. Learning everything he could about mindset, psychology, health, and high performance, writing a best selling book along the way. As a consequence of his success, he was barely sleeping, always under a tremendous amount of pressure which pushed him to the limit. All of which eventually took its toll. That is why he set himself in a mission of helping CEO’s and business owners like him. “With every new level of success comes a new level of problem.”

Episode Notes

Today’s take-away: