Live Your Edge Podcast

Getting In Shape Is Only Half The Battle, The Other is This

Episode Summary

About Adam Pecoraro: Whether it's a lack of time, motivation, or equipment, Adam is the go-to in making fitness a part of your busy lifestyle. He is a fitness coach of AMP Fitness. His job is to make sure that you get into the best shape of your life without sacrificing time that you don't have. He will use sustainability and flexibility to make your fitness goals a reality. “Just do it. It doesn't matter if you need to do it on one day.” Overweight as a kid Adam was pushed to find ways to lose weight which started with unhealthy practices until he got better and better making him as he is now, a fitness coach. “I think the most important thing is having a plan. You can see what you actually want to do and why you want to do it, the biggest thing you can do is is to know why you're doing something or why you want something.” “The most important first step is just doing something, whether it's whether it's writing something down or trying to eat less of something or eat more of something .”

Episode Notes

In this episode you’ll learn about: 

Get in touch with Adam

Instagram: @thefitadam