Live Your Edge Podcast

Lessons on Leadership

Episode Summary

About Ben Dueck: Ben is an executive coach. His strong passion for leadership development is what pushed Ben Dueck to launch his company Cantera Leadership. The company helps people to understand how to be a better leader. He believes in strong leadership so much that for him the world can be transformed through dynamic leadership growth. “Your job as a leader is first to understand your own gap in order to be a better leader. Whatever your context is, whether it's leading yourself, whether it's leading a small team, whether it's leading a large team, where is my leadership gap. And then my second job as a leader is then to help others around me to grow in (order to) bridge their gap.” Ben started his journey into leadership understanding since he was young when he got different leadership opportunities. His fervor to understand leadership more and be a leader himself pushed him to take his masters in leadership. “I think that the hardest person to lead is yourself.” “Maybe it's cliche already, but mistakes are something that you learn from and you use them to take the next step forward.” “As a leader, we are called to serve the people that we work with, and to be able to look at the people around us.”

Episode Notes

What you’ll learn in this episode:
